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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, I, R, T and V

AMBIVERTSambiverts n. Plural of ambivert.
AMBIVERT n. someone who is both extroverted and introverted.
AVERTIBLEavertible adj. Capable of being averted; preventable.
AVERTIBLE adj. capable of being averted, also AVERTABLE.
BINERVATEbinervate adj. (Zoology, botany) Having only two nerves.
BINERVATE adj. of leaves, having two longitudinal ribs or nerves.
BIVARIATEbivariate adj. (Mathematics) Having or involving exactly two variables.
bivariate n. (Mathematics) A polynomial or function with exactly two variables.
BIVARIATE adj. involving or depending on two variables.
BREVIATESbreviates n. Plural of breviate.
BREVIATE n. a lawyer's brief.
PROBATIVEprobative adj. (Law) Tending to prove a particular proposition or to persuade someone of the truth of an allegation.
PROBATIVE adj. testing, affording proof, also PROBATORY.
REVIBRATErevibrate v. To vibrate back or in return.
REVIBRATE v. to vibrate again.
RIVERBOATriverboat n. A watercraft designed for operating on rivers.
RIVERBOAT n. a boat used for river transport.
VERBALISTverbalist n. One who possesses verbal or oratorical skill.
verbalist n. One who favours words or the wording of something over its meaning or the idea behind it.
VERBALIST n. a person dealing in or concentrating on mere words rather than reality or meaning.
VERBALITYverbality n. The state or characteristic of consisting of words; that which consists simply of verbiage.
verbality n. Proficiency or fluency in the use of words.
VERBALITY n. the state of being verbal.
VERITABLEveritable adj. True; genuine.
VERITABLE adj. true.
VERITABLYveritably adv. In a veritable manner; in a way that truly and accurately describes something.
VERITABLE adv. true.
VIBRATILEvibratile adj. Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating.
VIBRATILE adj. capable of vibratory motion, also VIBRATIVE, VIBRATORY.
VIBRATIVEvibrative adj. (Now rare) Involving vibration; vibrating, vibratory.
VIBRATIVE adj. consisting in, or causing, vibration, also VIBRATILE, VIBRATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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