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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, I, L, R and V

ADVERBIALadverbial adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to an adverb.
adverbial n. (Grammar) An adverbial word or phrase.
ADVERBIAL adj. relating to an adverb.
AVERTIBLEavertible adj. Capable of being averted; preventable.
AVERTIBLE adj. capable of being averted, also AVERTABLE.
BOLIVARESbolivares n. Plural of bolivar.
BOLIVAR n. (Spanish) the monetary unit of Venezuela.
DERIVABLEderivable adj. Able to be derived, deducible.
DERIVABLE adj. that can be derived.
DERIVABLYderivably adv. Such that it can be derived; by derivation.
DERIVABLE adv. that can be derived.
DRIVEABLEdriveable adj. Alternative spelling of drivable.
DRIVEABLE adj. that can be driven, also DRIVABLE.
PREVIABLEpreviable adj. Not yet viable.
PREVIABLE adj. before the stage when a foetus has developed sufficiently to survive outside the womb.
RELIVABLErelivable adj. Able to be relived, able to be experienced again.
RELIVABLE adj. that can be relived.
REVISABLErevisable adj. Able to be revised.
REVISABLE adj. that may be revised.
REVIVABLErevivable adj. That can be revived. Possible to return to life.
REVIVABLE adj. that can be revived.
REVIVABLYREVIVABLE adv. that can be revived.
VARIABLESvariables n. Plural of variable.
VARIABLE n. something that varies.
VERBALISEverbalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of verbalize.
VERBALISE v. to put into words, also VERBALIZE.
VERBALISMverbalism n. The expression of a concept in words; the wording used in such an expression.
verbalism n. The excessive use of words, often with little meaning.
VERBALISM n. undue attention to words alone.
VERBALISTverbalist n. One who possesses verbal or oratorical skill.
verbalist n. One who favours words or the wording of something over its meaning or the idea behind it.
VERBALIST n. a person dealing in or concentrating on mere words rather than reality or meaning.
VERBALITYverbality n. The state or characteristic of consisting of words; that which consists simply of verbiage.
verbality n. Proficiency or fluency in the use of words.
VERBALITY n. the state of being verbal.
VERBALIZEverbalize v. (Transitive) To speak or to use words to express.
verbalize v. (Transitive, grammar) To adapt (a word of another part of speech) as a verb.
VERBALIZE v. to put into words, also VERBALISE.
VERITABLEveritable adj. True; genuine.
VERITABLE adj. true.
VERITABLYveritably adv. In a veritable manner; in a way that truly and accurately describes something.
VERITABLE adv. true.
VIBRATILEvibratile adj. Adapted to, or used in, vibratory motion; having the power of vibrating.
VIBRATILE adj. capable of vibratory motion, also VIBRATIVE, VIBRATORY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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