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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, H, I, S and T

ABSINTHESabsinthes n. Plural of absinthe.
ABSINTHE n. (French) the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this, also ABSINTH.
BATFISHESbatfishes n. Plural of batfish.
BATFISH n. a name given to several species of fish with winglike projections.
BEACHIESTbeachiest adj. Superlative form of beachy: most beachy.
BEACHY adj. sandy or pebbly.
BLASHIESTblashiest adj. Superlative form of blashy: most blashy.
BLASHY adj. showery; of beer or tea, watery and thin.
BRASHIESTbrashiest adj. Superlative form of brashy: most brashy.
BRASHY adj. covered with brash, fragments of rock or ice.
ESTABLISHestablish v. (Transitive) To make stable or firm; to confirm.
establish v. (Transitive) To form; to found; to institute; to set up in business.
establish v. (Transitive) To appoint or adopt, as officers, laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.; to enact; to ordain.
HABITUDEShabitudes n. Plural of habitude.
HABITUDE n. a usual course of action.
HABITUSESHABITUS n. (Latin) the characteristic appearance, manner of growth, etc. of a plant or animal.
HERBALISTherbalist n. A person who treats diseases by means of medicinal herbs.
HERBALIST n. a person who practises herbalism, also HERBIST.
SHABBIESTshabbiest adj. Superlative form of shabby: most shabby.
SHABBY adj. not smart.
SHIFTABLEshiftable adj. That can be shifted.
SHIFTABLE adj. capable of being shifted.
SIGHTABLEsightable adj. Capable of being sighted; visible from a vantage point.
SIGHTABLE adj. that can be sighted, e.g. of a gun.
THEBAINESTHEBAINE n. a poisonous alkaloid obtained from opium.
WHITEBASSwhitebass n. Alternative form of white bass.
white␣bass n. Morone chrysops, a freshwater fish of the family Moronidae, found in the eastern and central United…
WHITEBASS n. a silvery food fish of the American Great Lakes region.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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