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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, G, I and 2R

ABRIDGERSabridgers n. Plural of abridger.
ABRIDGER n. one who abridges.
AMBERGRISambergris n. A solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish color, produced in the intestines of the…
amber-gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
amber␣gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
ARBITRAGEarbitrage n. (Finance) A market activity in which a security, commodity, currency or other tradable item is bought…
arbitrage n. (Archaic) Arbitration.
arbitrage v. (Intransitive, finance) To employ arbitrage.
BARBERINGbarbering n. The trade of and practice of shaving and cutting hair.
barbering n. (Informal) The practice among pets of overgrooming each other, leaving bald patches.
BARBER v. to shave or cut the hair.
BARGAINERbargainer n. A person who makes a bargain.
BARGAINER n. one who bargains.
BARRELINGbarreling v. Present participle of barrel.
barreling n. (Mechanical engineering) A defect in which a testpiece is deformed into a barrel-like shape.
barreling n. Synonym of barrel distortion.
BARTERINGbartering v. Present participle of barter.
bartering n. Barter.
BARTER v. to trade by exchange.
BERRIGANSBERRIGAN n. an Australian tree with hanging branches.
BIGARREAUBIGARREAU n. any of several heart-shaped varieties of cherry, also BIGAROON.
BRIGADIERbrigadier n. (Military) An army rank; an officer commanding a brigade.
brigadier n. (Military, UK) A field officer of the highest grade, below general officers, NATO grade O7.
brigadier n. (Historical) The head of a workforce in the Soviet Union.
DEBARRINGdebarring v. Present participle of debar.
DEBAR v. to exclude.
EMBARRINGembarring v. Present participle of embar.
EMBARRING n. the act of shutting in.
GARBAGIERGARBAGY adj. like garbage, also GARBAGEY.
HARBINGERharbinger n. A person or thing that foreshadows or foretells the coming of someone or something.
harbinger n. (Obsolete) One who provides lodgings; especially, the officer of the English royal household who formerly…
harbinger v. (Transitive) To announce or precede; to be a harbinger of.
IRRIGABLEirrigable adj. Able to be irrigated.
IRRIGABLE adj. that can be irrigated.
REBRACINGrebracing v. Present participle of rebrace.
REBRACE v. to brace again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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