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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2E, L, T and U

AMBULETTEambulette n. A van used to transport patients in non-emergency situations.
AMBULETTE n. a motor vehicle for transporting ill or handicapped people.
BATELEURSbateleurs n. Plural of bateleur.
BATELEUR n. (French) an African eagle.
BLUEBEATSBLUEBEAT n. a type of West Indian pop music.
BUTLERAGEbutlerage n. (Law, archaic) A duty formerly paid to the king’s butler on every tun of wine imported into England…
BUTLERAGE n. the department of a domestic butler.
DEBATEFULdebateful adj. (Obsolete) Contentious, argumentative, full of strife.
DEBATEFUL adj. (obsolete) quarrelsome.
DEPUTABLEdeputable adj. Fit to be deputed; suitable to act as a deputy.
DEPUTABLE adj. that can be deputed.
EQUATABLEequatable adj. Capable of being equated; comparable.
EQUATABLE adj. that can be equated.
EQUITABLEequitable adj. Marked by or having equity.
equitable adj. Fair, just, or impartial.
equitable adj. (Law) Relating to the general principles of justice that correct or supplement the provisions of the law.
PULSEBEATpulsebeat n. A continuous, regular rhythm; a pulse or heartbeat.
pulsebeat n. An intimation of an underlying sentiment etc.
PULSEBEAT n. the pulse.
REFUTABLErefutable adj. Able to be refuted, or shown to be false.
REFUTABLE adj. that can be refuted.
REPUTABLEreputable adj. Having a good reputation; honourable.
REPUTABLE adj. of good repute.
TENURABLEtenurable adj. Eligible for academic tenure.
TENURABLE adj. of a university post, giving tenure.
UMBELLATEumbellate adj. Having umbels.
UMBELLATE adj. having umbels, also UMBELLATED.
UNEATABLEuneatable adj. Not eatable; not fit for eating.
UNEATABLE adj. that cannot be eaten.
UNTENABLEuntenable adj. Not able to be held, as of an opinion or position.
untenable adj. Unfit for habitation.
UNTENABLE adj. not tenable, also INTENABLE, INTENIBLE.
UTTERABLEutterable adj. Capable of being expressed in words, especially audibly.
UTTERABLE adj. capable of being uttered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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