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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2E, L and 2R

AVERRABLEaverrable adj. Capable of being averred.
AVERRABLE adj. that can be averred.
BARRELAGEbarrelage n. Quantity of beer (or other drink) measured in barrels.
BARRELAGE n. barrels taken collectively.
BARRELLEDbarrelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of barrel.
barrelled adj. (Firearms) Having a barrel or specified number of barrels.
barrelled adj. Packed in a barrel.
BLAEBERRYblaeberry n. (Northern England, Scotland, dialect) The bilberry, Vaccinium myrtillus.
BLAEBERRY n. (Scots) the bilberry, also BILBERRY.
BLATHERERblatherer n. One who blathers.
BLATHERER n. one who blathers, also BLETHERER.
CEREBRALSCEREBRAL n. a cerebral consonant.
CLAMBERERclamberer n. A person who clambers.
CLAMBERER n. one who clambers.
INERRABLEinerrable adj. Incapable of error; infallible, unerring.
INERRABLE adj. incapable of erring; infallible.
ORDERABLEorderable adj. That may be ordered (obtained by placing an order).
orderable adj. That may be ordered (put in sequence).
ORDERABLE adj. that can be ordered.
PREVERBALpreverbal adj. (Child development) At an early stage of development in which one is not yet able to communicate by means of words.
preverbal adj. (Linguistics, of a part of speech) Occurring before the verb in a sentence or expression.
preverbal n. (Grammar) A preverb.
REFERABLEreferable adj. Alternative form of referrable.
REFERABLE adj. capable of being referred, also REFERRABLE, REFERRIBLE.
REPARABLEreparable adj. Able to be repaired.
REPARABLE adj. that can be repaired.
REVERABLEreverable adj. Fit to be revered; worthy of reverence.
REVERABLE adj. worthy of reverence.
REWIRABLErewirable adj. Alternative form of rewireable.
REWIRABLE adj. that can be rewired.
SLABBERERslabberer n. One who slabbers, or drools; an idiot.
SLABBERER n. one who slabbers, or drools; hence, an idiot.
VERTEBRALvertebral adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to a vertebra or the spine.
vertebral n. (Zootomy) Any of the large dorsal scales along the top of a snake’s back.
VERTEBRAL adj. of or like a vertebra.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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