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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, L, O, S and T

BLASTOIDSblastoids n. Plural of blastoid.
BLASTOID n. one of the Blastoidea, a group of budlike calcareous fossil echinoderms.
BLOWDARTSblowdarts n. Plural of blowdart.
BLOWDART n. a dart shot from a blowpipe.
BOATLOADSboatloads n. Plural of boatload.
BOATLOAD n. the amount that a boat holds.
BOLTHEADSboltheads n. Plural of bolthead.
BOLTHEAD n. a straight-necked distillation vessel or flask.
DEADBOLTSdeadbolts n. Plural of deadbolt.
DEADBOLT n. a lock for a door.
DIABOLISTdiabolist n. A devil-worshipper.
DIABOLIST n. one who practises diabolism.
ENDOBLASTendoblast n. Entoblast.
ENDOBLAST n. the inner cell-layer of a gastrula, also ENTOBLAST.
FLATBRODSFLATBROD n. a flatbread made with rye.
FOLDBOATSfoldboats n. Plural of foldboat.
fold␣boats n. Plural of fold boat.
FOLDBOAT n. a collapsible boat resembling a kayak, also FALTBOAT.
IDIOBLASTidioblast n. (Botany) An isolated specialised cell found in the midst of an otherwise homogeneous group of cells in plant tissue.
IDIOBLAST n. a plant cell that differs from neighbouring cells in the same tissue.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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