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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, I, L, N and O

ABDOMINALabdominal adj. Of or pertaining to the abdomen; ventral.
abdominal adj. (Ichthyology) Having the ventral fins under the abdomen and behind the pectoral fins.
abdominal adj. (Ichthyology) Ventral, in describing a fin.
BAILBONDSbailbonds n. Plural of bailbond.
bail␣bonds n. Plural of bail bond.
BAILBOND n. a bond given by a prisoner.
BALCONIEDbalconied adj. That has a balcony attached.
BALCONIED adj. having a balcony.
BANDOLIERbandolier n. An ammunition belt, worn over the shoulder, having loops or pockets for cartridges.
BANDOLIER n. (French) a shoulder belt for carrying ammunition, also BANDELIER, BANDOLEER.
BANDOLINEbandoline n. (Dated) A glutinous pomatum for the hair.
bandoline v. (Dated, transitive) To apply bandoline to (the hair).
BANDOLINE n. (French) a glutinous pomatum for the hair.
BROADLINEbroadline adj. (Business) Selling a wide range of groceries.
broadline adj. (Archaeology) Having a broad line inscribed or drawn.
broadline adj. (Chemistry) Designating a technique in nuclear magnetic resonance. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
BUNGALOIDbungaloid n. (Sometimes derogatory) A house resembling a bungalow.
BUNGALOID adj. (facetious) of or like a bungalow.
BUNGALOID n. a dwelling like a bungalow.
HOBNAILEDhobnailed adj. Having hobnails.
hob-nailed adj. Alternative spelling of hobnailed.
HOBNAIL v. to furnish with broad headed short nails.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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