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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, B, D, E, L, O and S

ABOLISHEDabolished v. Simple past tense and past participle of abolish.
ABOLISH v. to put an end to.
BABELDOMSbabeldoms n. Plural of babeldom.
Babeldoms n. Plural of Babeldom.
BABELDOM n. a confused sound of voices.
BANDEROLSbanderols n. Plural of banderol.
BANDEROL n. (French) a small banner or streamer, also BANDEROLE, BANDROL, BANNERALL, BANNEROL.
BASELOADSbaseloads n. Plural of baseload.
BASELOAD n. the permanent load on power supplies.
BEADROLLSbeadrolls n. Plural of beadroll.
BEADROLL n. a list of the dead to be prayed for.
BLOCKADESblockades n. Plural of blockade.
blockades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blockade.
BLOCKADE v. to block with troops or ships.
BOLDFACESboldfaces n. Plural of boldface.
boldfaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of boldface.
BOLDFACE v. to print in thick type.
BOLTHEADSboltheads n. Plural of bolthead.
BOLTHEAD n. a straight-necked distillation vessel or flask.
CABOODLEScaboodles n. Plural of caboodle.
CABOODLE n. a crowd or collection, also KABOODLE.
DEADBOLTSdeadbolts n. Plural of deadbolt.
DEADBOLT n. a lock for a door.
DEPOSABLEdeposable adj. Capable of being deposed, or deprived of office.
DEPOSABLE adj. capable of being deposed or deprived of office.
DIABOLISEdiabolise v. Alternative form of diabolize.
DIABOLISE v. to convert into a devil, render diabolical, also DIABOLIZE.
DOWSABELSDOWSABEL n. a sweetheart.
ENDOBLASTendoblast n. Entoblast.
ENDOBLAST n. the inner cell-layer of a gastrula, also ENTOBLAST.
KABOODLESkaboodles n. Plural of kaboodle.
KABOODLE n. a crowd or collection, also CABOODLE.
LEEBOARDSleeboards n. Plural of leeboard.
LEEBOARD n. a board attached to a sailing vessel to prevent leeway.
PASODOBLEpasodoble n. Alternative form of paso doble (dance; music).
paso␣doble n. A fast Spanish ballroom dance in double time.
paso␣doble n. The music for such a dance, or for a march; used especially at bullfights.
SADDLEBOWsaddlebow n. Alternative form of saddle bow.
saddle-bow n. Alternative spelling of saddlebow.
saddle␣bow n. The front part of the saddle that is arched up like a bow.
SCOLDABLEscoldable adj. Able or fit to be scolded.
SCOLDABLE adj. able to be scolded.
SOUNDABLEsoundable adj. Capable of being sounded, or having its depth gauged.
soundable adj. Able to be sounded, or pronounced.
SOUNDABLE adj. capable of being sounded.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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