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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, L, O and 2S

CROSSABLEcrossable adj. Able to be crossed.
CROSSABLE adj. that can be crossed.
OBSTACLESobstacles n. Plural of obstacle.
OBSTACLE n. something that obstructs.
SCYBALOUSscybalous adj. Relating to a scybalum.
SCYBALOUS adj. of or like a scybalum, a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine.
SLOTBACKSslotbacks n. Plural of slotback.
SLOTBACK n. a type of football player.
SLOWBACKSslowbacks n. Plural of slowback.
SLOWBACK n. (obsolete) a lazy person.
SOCIABLESsociables n. Plural of sociable.
SOCIABLE n. a four-wheeled open carriage with side-seats.
SUBCOSTALsubcostal adj. (Anatomy) Below a rib or the ribs.
subcostal adj. (Entomology) Pertaining to the subcosta and/or the area of the wing next to it.
subcostal n. (Anatomy) A subcostal muscle.
SUBSOCIALsubsocial adj. Having a very limited social structure.
SUBSOCIAL adj. tending to associate gregariously but lacking a fixed social structure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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