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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, 2E, H and L

BECHALKEDbechalked adj. Having a surface that has been written on in chalk.
bechalked adj. Chalk-covered or chalky.
bechalked v. Simple past tense and past participle of bechalk.
BECHAMELSbechamels n. Plural of bechamel.
béchamels n. Plural of béchamel.
BECHAMEL n. (French) a rich, white sauce, prepared with butter and cream.
BELLYACHEbellyache n. Any pain in the belly, stomach, or abdomen.
bellyache v. To unnecessarily complain or whine, often about simple matters.
BELLYACHE n. a pain in the stomach.
BLEACHERSbleachers n. Plural of bleacher.
BLEACHER n. an outdoor uncovered bench for spectators at a sports ground.
BLEACHERYbleachery n. A place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
BLEACHERY n. a place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
CHASEABLEchaseable adj. Alternative form of chasable.
CHASEABLE adj. that can be chased.
CHEATABLEcheatable adj. Capable of being cheated.
cheatable adj. (Billiards, snooker, of a pocket) Able to be potted at either edge rather than in the middle.
CHEATABLE adj. that can be cheated.
CHECKABLEcheckable adj. Able to be checked or verified.
checkable adj. Able to be marked with a check mark, or tick.
checkable adj. (Finance, not comparable) Alternative form of chequable.
CHOKEABLECHOKEABLE adj. that can be choked.
LEACHABLEleachable adj. Capable of leaching or of being leached.
leachable n. Any such material.
LEACHABLE adj. that can be leached.
REACHABLEreachable adj. Within easy reach; accessible.
reachable adj. (Mathematics) (of a node) That may be reached from another node in a graph by passing along one or more lines.
reachable n. Someone or something that can be reached.
TEACHABLEteachable adj. Capable of being taught; apt to learn.
teachable adj. Willing to receive instruction or to learn; docile.
teachable adj. That can be taught.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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