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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2A, L, 2N, O and P

NONPLANARnonplanar adj. Not planar.
NONPLANAR adj. not planar.
PANTALEONpantaleon n. (Music, historical) A very large dulcimer, invented around 1700.
Pantaleon prop.n. A surname.
Pantaleon prop.n. A saint, a martyr of Nicomedia in Bithynia during the Diocletianic Persecution of 305 AD.
PANTALONEPantalone prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PANTALONE n. (French) a movement in a quadrille, also PANTALON.
PANTALONSPANTALON n. (French) a movement in a quadrille, also PANTALONE.
PANTALOONpantaloon n. An aging buffoon.
pantaloon n. Trousers reminiscent of the tight-fitting leggings traditionally worn by a pantaloon.
pantaloon n. A kind of fabric.
PLANATIONplanation n. (Geology) The formation of a flat surface by erosion and deposition.
planation n. (Biology) The morphological transformation of a three-dimensional structure into a two-dimensional one…
PLANATION n. lateral erosion, as in a valley, by a running stream.
POLLYANNApollyanna n. Alternative form of Pollyanna.
Pollyanna prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew derived from Polly and Anna; rare in the real world.
Pollyanna n. One who is persistently cheerful and optimistic, even when given cause not to be so.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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