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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, O, S, T and X

AEROTAXISaerotaxis n. (Biology) Movement of an organism either towards or away from a region of higher oxygen content.
AEROTAXIS n. movement towards or from oxygen.
ANATOXINSanatoxins n. Plural of anatoxin.
ANATOXIN n. a potent alkaloid toxin derived from a species of cyanobacteria.
LAXATIONSlaxations n. Plural of laxation.
LAXATION n. the act of loosening or slackening.
MAXIBOATSmaxi␣boats n. Plural of maxi boat.
MAXIBOAT n. a large racing yacht.
MAXICOATSmaxicoats n. Plural of maxicoat.
MAXICOAT n. a long coat.
POSTAXIALpostaxial adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal; caudal; posterior.
POSTAXIAL adj. situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal.
TAXATIONStaxations n. Plural of taxation.
TAXATION n. the process of taxing.
TOXAEMIAStoxaemias n. Plural of toxaemia.
toxæmias n. Plural of toxæmia.
TOXAEMIA n. the condition of having toxins in the blood, also TOXEMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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