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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, 2N, R and T

AMARANTINAMARANTIN n. (Milton) the plant amaranth, also AMARANTHINE, AMARANTINE.
ANTIARINSantiarins n. Plural of antiarin.
ANTIARIN n. a poisonous principle obtained from antiar, used on arrows.
ANTIURBANantiurban adj. (Sociology) Showing a negative view of cities or city life.
ANTIURBAN adj. opposed to towns.
ARENATIONarenation n. A form of therapeutic bathing in hot sand.
ARENATION n. the remedial application of hot sand to the body.
BRITANNIABritannia prop.n. A female personification of Britain or the United Kingdom.
Britannia prop.n. (Historical) A province of the Roman Empire covering most of the island of Britain.
Britannia prop.n. A settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador.
CARNATIONcarnation n. (Botany) A type of Eurasian plant widely cultivated for its flowers.
carnation n. The type of flower they bear, originally flesh-coloured, but since hybridizing found in a variety of colours.
carnation n. A rosy pink colour.
DARNATIONdarnation n. Alternative form of tarnation.
darnation interj. Used to express anger, irritation, disappointment, annoyance, contempt, etc.
DARNATION n. a mild form of damnation, also TARNATION.
INCARNATEincarnate adj. (Traditionally postpositive, now frequently prepositive) Embodied in flesh; given a bodily, especially…
incarnate adj. (Obsolete) Flesh-colored, crimson.
incarnate v. (Transitive) To embody in flesh, invest with a bodily, especially a human, form.
INVARIANTinvariant adj. Not varying; constant.
invariant adj. (Mathematics) Unaffected by a specified operation (especially by a transformation).
invariant adj. (Computing, programming) Neither covariant nor contravariant.
NARRATINGnarrating v. Present participle of narrate.
narrating n. An act of narration.
NARRATE v. to tell a story.
NARRATIONnarration n. The act of recounting or relating in order the particulars of some action, occurrence, or affair; a narrating.
narration n. That which is narrated or recounted; an orderly recital of the details and particulars of some transaction…
narration n. (Rhetoric) That part of an oration in which the speaker makes his or her statement of facts.
NUTARIANSnutarians n. Plural of nutarian.
NUTARIAN n. an advocate of nuts as nutritious food.
TANAGRINEtanagrine adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the tanagers.
TANAGRINE adj. of or pertaining to the tanagers, a family of brightly-coloured South American birds.
TARNATIONtarnation n. (Archaic) The act or process of damnation or reprobation; hell.
tarnation n. (Obsolete) Someone or something that causes trouble; troublemaker.
tarnation interj. (Archaic) Used to express anger, irritation, disappointment, annoyance, contempt, etc.
TRAINBANDtrainband n. (Now historical) A company of trained civilian militia operating in England and North America between…
TRAINBAND n. (historical) a band of citizens from the 16th to the 18th century trained to bear arms.
TURNAGAINturnagain n. (Lace making) The movement of the bobbin in producing the breadth, or series of narrow stripes, in one…
turn␣again v. (Archaic) To return.
turn␣again v. (Archaic) To make a stand.
UNITARIANunitarian adj. Espousing a unitary view of something.
unitarian n. One who denies the doctrine of the Trinity, believing that God exists only in one person; a unipersonalist.
unitarian n. (Islam) A Muwahhid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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