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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, M, N, T and U

ACUMINATEacuminate adj. Tapering to a point; pointed.
acuminate adj. (Botany, mycology) Tapering to a long point in concave manner at its apex.
acuminate v. (Transitive) To render sharp or keen; to sharpen.
ALUMINATEaluminate n. (Chemistry) A compound, containing aluminium and oxygen with more electropositive elements, that is…
ALUMINATE n. a salt whose acid is aluminum hydroxide.
AMIANTHUSamianthus n. A type of asbestos with long, soft, thin fibers.
AMIANTHUS n. (Greek) asbestos with silky fibres, also AMIANTUS.
ANIMATEURanimateur n. One who promotes particular activity, especially one of a cultural or artistic nature.
ANIMATEUR n. a person who enlivens or encourages something, especially a promoter of artistic enterprises.
ANTIHUMANantihuman adj. Opposed to humanity.
antihuman adj. (Immunology, not comparable) Describing an antibody that reacts with any antigen found in (and with…
antihuman n. A being that opposes, or typifies the opposite of, the human race.
MANUMATICmanumatic adj. Describing any of several forms of motor car transmission that have both manual and automatic features.
manumatic n. A transmission of this kind.
manumatic n. A vehicle having such a transmission.
MATUTINALmatutinal adj. Of, occurring in, or relating to the morning, especially the early morning upon waking up.
matutinal adj. Active in the morning; waking up early.
MATUTINAL adj. relating to or occurring in the morning, also MATUTINE.
THAUMATINthaumatin n. A virtually calorie-free protein sweetener and flavour modifier.
THAUMATIN n. a sweetener extracted from a West Indian fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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