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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, L, O, P and S

ALOPECIASalopecias n. Plural of alopecia.
ALOPECIA n. (Latin) loss of hair, baldness.
APOLOGIASapologias n. Plural of apologia.
APOLOGIA n. (Latin) a written defence.
HAPLOPIASHAPLOPIA n. normal vision.
NEOPLASIAneoplasia n. (Biology) The formation of new tissue.
neoplasia n. (Medicine) The formation of a neoplasm.
NEOPLASIA n. the formation or presence of a morbid growth of tissue.
PALAMINOSPALAMINO n. (Spanish) a horse of largely Arab blood, pale tan, yellow, or gold, with a white or silver mane and tail, also PALOMINO.
PARAFOILSparafoils n. Plural of parafoil.
PARAFOIL n. a type of steerable parachute.
PASSIONALpassional n. A book describing sufferings of martyrs.
passional adj. Characterized by passion.
PASSIONAL n. a book containing accounts of the sufferings of saints and martyrs, for reading on their feast days.
PASTORALIpastorali n. Plural of pastorale.
PASTORALE n. (Italian) a composition in a soft, rural style, generally in 6-8 or 12-8 time.
PLASMODIAplasmodia n. Plural of plasmodium.
PLASMODIUM n. a naked mass of protoplasm with many nuclei, as in myxomycetes.
POSTAXIALpostaxial adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal; caudal; posterior.
POSTAXIAL adj. situated behind any transverse axis in the body of an animal.
PROSAICALprosaical adj. Alternative form of prosaic.
PROSAICAL adj. relating to prose; dull, banal, also PROSAIC.
SAPODILLAsapodilla n. A long-lived evergreen tree, Manilkara zapota, native to the New World tropics, or its edible fruit.
SAPODILLA n. (Spanish) the edible fruit of a Mexican tree, also SAPOTA, SAPOTE, ZAPOTILLA.
SAPROBIALSAPROBIAL adj. of or like a saprobe, an organism living in foul water, also SAPROBIC.
SOPAPILLAsopapilla n. Alternative spelling of sopaipilla.
SOPAPILLA n. a square of deep-fried dough often sweetened and eaten as dessert, also SOPAIPILLA.
SPONSALIASPONSALIA n. nuptials, marriage.
TALAPOINStalapoins n. Plural of talapoin.
TALAPOIN n. (Portuguese) a small green West African guenon monkey; a title of respect for a Buddhist monk.
TOPALGIASTOPALGIA n. pain in a particular spot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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