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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2I, M, N and R

ANIMALIERanimalier n. An artist who depicts animals.
ANIMALIER n. a sculptor or painter of animal subjects.
DIMYARIANdimyarian adj. (Zoology, archaic) Like or relating to the Dimya.
dimyarian n. (Zoology, archaic) Any of the Dimya.
DIMYARIAN adj. having two adductor muscles, also DIMYARY.
IMAGINARYimaginary adj. Existing only in the imagination.
imaginary adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Having no real part; that part of a complex number which is a multiple of…
imaginary n. Imagination; fancy.
INAMORATIINAMORATO n. (Italian) a (male) lover; beloved person.
LAMINARIAlaminaria n. Any of the genus Laminaria of brown algae.
Laminaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Laminariaceae – certain brown algae.
LAMINARIA n. a genus of large seaweeds with long and broad fronds, aka tangle.
LAMINARINlaminarin n. (Biochemistry) A glucan produced by some brown algae.
LAMINARIN n. a polysaccharide found in various brown algae.
LUMINARIAluminaria n. A vigil fire used in ceremonies in Native American and Hispanic cultures.
luminaria n. A makeshift lantern used as a holiday decoration, especially in Hispanic culture.
luminaria n. Plural of luminarium.
NIRAMIAISNIRAMIAI n. (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a period of stamping and glaring to cow the opponent.
ZAMINDARIzamindari n. (Historical) In British India, a system used to collect revenues from the ryots (cultivators of agricultural…
zamindari n. (Historical) The office or jurisdiction of a zamindar.
zamindari n. (Historical) The land possessed by a zamindar.
ZANAMIVIRzanamivir n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral drug C12H20N4O7 that is a neuraminidase inhibitor taken by oral inhalation…
ZANAMIVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of influenza.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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