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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2I, L, N and T

AILANTHICAILANTHIC adj. of or like the ailanthus tree.
ANACLITICanaclitic adj. (Psychoanalysis) Denoting a person whose choice of love-interest arises from the dependence of the libido…
anaclitic adj. Pertaining to an acute emotional dependence on another person or persons.
ANACLITIC adj. characterised by anaclisis, strong emotional dependence on others.
ANALITIESanalities n. Plural of anality.
ANALITY n. a stage of infantile development thought to involve a preoccupation with the anus and defecation.
ANCIPITALancipital adj. (Botany) Two-edged instead of round; said of certain flattened stems, such as those of bluegrass, and…
ancipital adj. Double; doubtful or ambiguous.
ANCIPITAL adj. two-edged and flattened, also ANCIPITOUS.
ANIMALISTanimalist n. (Philosophy) One who believes in the dominance of man’s animal nature in behavior.
animalist n. A sensualist.
animalist n. (Art) A painter or sculptor whose primary subject is animals.
ANIMALITYanimality n. The nature of an animal.
animality n. The animal kingdom.
animality n. Any characteristic of animality. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ANTIALIENantialien adj. Opposing aliens or foreigners.
ANTIALIEN adj. opposed to foreigners.
ANTIVIRALantiviral adj. (Pharmacology) Inhibiting the growth and reproduction of a virus.
antiviral adj. (Computing) Eliminating or inhibiting the action of a computer virus.
antiviral n. (Pharmacology) An antiviral medication.
BALANITISbalanitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the glans penis.
BALANITIS n. inflammation of the glans penis in mammals.
DIACTINALdiactinal adj. Having two rays.
diactinal adj. Relating to, or composed of diactines.
DIACTINAL adj. having two rays, also DIACT, DIACTINE.
GENITALIAgenitalia n. External sex organs.
genitalia n. (By extension) Any sex organs, whether external or internal.
GENITALIA n. the reproductive parts.
LACINIATElaciniate adj. Bordered with a fringe.
LACINIATE adj. cut into narrow lobes; finely fringed, also LACINIATED.
LARIATINGlariating v. Present participle of lariat.
LARIAT v. (Spanish) to catch with a long rope with a running noose, also LASSO, LAZO.
NOTABILIAnotabilia n. Things worthy of notice.
NOTABILIA n. (Latin) notable sayings; things worthy of notice.
VATICINALvaticinal adj. Of or pertaining to prophecy; prophetic.
VATICINAL adj. of or pertaining to prophecy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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