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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, I, N, R and T

ANARCHISTanarchist n. One who believes in or advocates the absence of hierarchy and authority in most forms (compare anarchism)…
anarchist n. One who disregards laws and social norms as a form of rebellion against authority.
anarchist n. (By extension) One who promotes chaos and lawlessness.
ANARTHRIAanarthria n. (Neurology, neuropsychology) A speech impairment in which the ability to articulate is lost completely.
ANARTHRIA n. loss of the ability to speak coherently.
ANARTHRICanarthric adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or suffering from anarthria; unable to articulate owing to muscle weakness.
ANARTHRIC adj. relating to anarthria, loss of the ability to speak coherently.
ANTHRACICanthracic adj. (Microbiology) Of or relating to anthrax.
ANTHRACIC adj. of or relating to anthrax; as, anthracic blood.
ANTISHARKantishark adj. Preventing attacks by sharks.
ANTISHARK adj. designed to keep away sharks.
CANTHARIDcantharid n. (Zoology) Any beetle in the family Cantharidae.
CANTHARID n. a beetle with an elongated cylindrical body of a brilliant green color, aka Spanish fly, also CANTHARIS.
CANTHARIScantharis n. Singular of cantharides.
Cantharis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cantharidae – soldier beetles.
CANTHARIS n. a beetle with an elongated cylindrical body of a brilliant green color, aka Spanish fly, also CANTHARID.
CATARHINEcatarhine adj. Dated form of catarrhine.
catarhine n. Dated form of catarrhine.
CATARHINE n. a member of one of the two divisions of primates, including all the Old World monkeys, having a narrow partition between the nostrils, also CATARRHINE.
HATINATORhatinator n. A small, fascinator-like hat, typically featuring elaborate or extravagant decoration.
HATINATOR n. a small decorative hat, worn on social occasions.
INHALATORinhalator n. Inhaler.
INHALATOR n. an apparatus for enabling one to inhale a gas, vapour etc.
PARATHIONparathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide acaricide, [O,O-diethyl-O-4-nitro-phenylthiophosphate], a powerful…
PARATHION n. an extremely toxic insecticide.
RHATANIESrhatanies n. Plural of rhatany.
RHATANY n. (Quechua) a South American shrub, also RATANY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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