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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2A, G, L, O, S and U

ANALOGOUSanalogous adj. Having analogy; corresponding to something else; bearing some resemblance or proportion (Often followed by "to".).
analogous adj. (Biology) Functionally similar, but arising through convergent evolution rather than being homologous.
ANALOGOUS adj. bearing some correspondence or resemblance.
ANALOGUESanalogues n. Plural of analogue.
ANALOGUE n. something that bears a resemblance to something else, also ANALOG.
CALABOGUSCALABOGUS n. (Canadian) a Canadian drink of rum, spruce beer and molasses.
COAGULASEcoagulase n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme that induces coagulation.
coagulase n. (Biochemistry) Specifically, the enzyme produced by various Staphylococcus species that converts fibrinogen to fibrin.
COAGULASE n. any of several enzymes that cause coagulation, as of the blood.
GLAUCOMASglaucomas n. Plural of glaucoma.
GLAUCOMA n. a disease of the eye, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball and growing dimness of vision.
GUAIACOLSguaiacols n. Plural of guaiacol.
GUAIACOL n. an expectorant and local anaesthetic.
SUGARLOAFsugarloaf n. Alternative spelling of sugar-loaf.
sugar-loaf n. (Historical) A block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone, in which form it was…
sugar-loaf n. (Obsolete) A hat shaped like a sugar-loaf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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