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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, M, N, T and U

ACUMINATEacuminate adj. Tapering to a point; pointed.
acuminate adj. (Botany, mycology) Tapering to a long point in concave manner at its apex.
acuminate v. (Transitive) To render sharp or keen; to sharpen.
ALUMINATEaluminate n. (Chemistry) A compound, containing aluminium and oxygen with more electropositive elements, that is…
ALUMINATE n. a salt whose acid is aluminum hydroxide.
ANIMATEURanimateur n. One who promotes particular activity, especially one of a cultural or artistic nature.
ANIMATEUR n. a person who enlivens or encourages something, especially a promoter of artistic enterprises.
ARGUMENTAargumenta n. Plural of argumentum.
ARGUMENTUM n. (Latin) logical argument, proof.
ATHENAEUMathenaeum n. Alternative form of Athenaeum: a temple primarily dedicated to Athena or her Roman equivalent Minerva.
athenaeum n. An association for the advancement of learning, particularly in science or literature.
athenaeum n. The reading room or library of such an association; (by extension) any reading room or library.
CAUMSTANECAUMSTANE n. a white argillaceous stone used for whitening hearthstones and doorsteps.
MANDUCATEmanducate v. (Literary) To chew; to masticate.
manducate v. (Literary) To eat.
MANDUCATE v. to chew or eat.
MANGULATEMANGULATE v. (Australian slang) to bend out of shape, mangle.
NEUROMATAneuromata n. Plural of neuroma.
NEUROMA n. a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve.
UNTAMABLEuntamable adj. Alternative spelling of untameable.
UNTAMABLE adj. not tamable, also UNTAMEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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