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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, I, M and 2R

AIRFRAMESairframes n. Plural of airframe.
AIRFRAME n. the body of an aircraft as opposed to its engine.
AIRSTREAMairstream n. A flow or current of air.
airstream n. The flow of air around an object.
AIRSTREAM n. a flow of air.
ARMIGERALarmigeral adj. Synonym of armigerous.
ARMIGERAL adj. relating to an armiger, a person bearing heraldic arms.
GRAMARIESGRAMARY n. occult learning or magic, also GRAMARYE.
KRAMERIASkramerias n. Plural of krameria.
KRAMERIA n. a genus of spreading shrubs with many stems.
MARGARINEmargarine n. A spread, manufactured from a blend of vegetable oils (some of which are hydrogenated), emulsifiers…
margarine n. (Dated) The solid ingredient of human fat, olive oil, etc.
MARGARINE n. a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils and fats.
MARGARITEmargarite n. (Obsolete) pearl.
margarite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium-rich member of the mica group of phyllosilicates, forming white to pinkish or…
MARGARITE n. a pearl.
MARINERASmarineras n. Plural of marinera.
MARINERA n. (Spanish) a Peruvian folk-dance.
MARMARISEMARMARISE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARIZE.
MARMARIZEMARMARIZE v. to convert limestone into marble, also MARMARISE.
MARRIAGESmarriages n. Plural of marriage.
Marriages prop.n. Plural of Marriage.
MARRIAGE n. the legal union of a man and woman.
PRIMAVERAprimavera adj. Describing a light vegetable sauce, especially one served with pasta.
primavera n. A Central American tree, Roseodendron donnell-smithii.
Primavera prop.n. A surname.
RAINMAKERrainmaker n. Someone or something that causes or attempts to cause rain to fall.
rainmaker n. (Originally Canada, US, figuratively, informal) A person having the ability to generate business, raise…
rainmaker n. (Baseball, informal) A batted ball that is hit very high into the air.
REPAIRMANrepairman n. A man whose job is to repair things.
REPAIRMAN n. one whose job is to repair things.
SPERMARIASPERMARIUM n. the male germ gland, also SPERMARY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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