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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, I, M and 2N

ALMANDINEalmandine n. (Mineralogy) A type of garnet having a deep red color, inclining to purple, with the chemical formula…
ALMANDINE n. (French) a deep red garnet consisting of an iron aluminum silicate, also ALABANDINE, ALMANDITE, ALMONDITE.
AMANDINESamandines n. Plural of amandine.
AMANDINE n. (French) albumin in sweet almonds; a cold cream composed of that substance.
AMENAGINGAMENAGE v. (Spenser) to manage, control.
ANAMNESISanamnesis n. The ability to recall past events; recollection.
anamnesis n. (Medicine) The medical history of a patient.
anamnesis n. (Rhetoric) The mention of the past; quotation of exemplary authors from memory to establish one’s authority.
ANAMNIOTEanamniote n. Any animal that is not an amniote.
ANAMNIOTE n. any vertebrate animal, such as a fish or amphibian, that lacks an amnion.
EMANATINGemanating v. Present participle of emanate.
EMANATE v. to send forth.
EMANATIONemanation n. The act of flowing or proceeding (of something, quality, or feeling) from a source or origin.
emanation n. That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence.
emanation n. (Uncountable, obsolete, physics, chemistry) The element radon (Rn).
EXAMINANTexaminant n. (Obsolete) One who examines; an examiner.
examinant n. (Obsolete) One who is to be examined.
EXAMINANT n. one who examines.
INANIMATEinanimate adj. Lacking the quality or ability of motion; as an inanimate object.
inanimate adj. Not being, and never having been alive, especially not like humans and animals.
inanimate adj. (Grammar) Not animate.
MAGNESIANmagnesian adj. Containing magnesia (magnesium oxide).
magnesian adj. (Mineralogy) Describing minerals containing magnesium.
Magnesian n. An inhabitant or a resident of Magnesia.
MANDARINEmandarine n. Alternative spelling of mandarin (“citrus fruit”).
MANDARINE n. a small orange of Chinese origin.
MANGANITEmanganite n. (Geology) a dark gray mineral of manganese, MnO(OH), found throughout North America and Europe.
MANGANITE n. an oxide of manganese, occurring in brilliant steel-gray or iron-black crystals.
MEANDRIANmeandrian adj. (Obsolete) winding, having many turns.
MEANDRIAN adj. (obsolete) meandering, also MEANDROUS.
MELANIANSmelanians n. Plural of melanian.
MELANIAN n. one of a family of freshwater mollusks, having a turret-shaped shell.
NIDAMENTAnidamenta n. Plural of nidamentum.
NIDAMENTUM n. an egg-capsule.
OENOMANIAoenomania n. Morbid desire for wine; dipsomania; alcoholism.
OENOMANIA n. an obsession or craze for wine.
PANDEMIANPandemian adj. Synonym of Pandemic (“relating to Aphrodite Pandemos”).
PANDEMIAN adj. vulgar; sensual.
XENOMANIAxenomania n. A strong or excessive preference for foreigners or for foreign customs, manners, or institutions.
XENOMANIA n. an inordinate attachment to foreign things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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