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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, I, L, N and U

ALUMINATEaluminate n. (Chemistry) A compound, containing aluminium and oxygen with more electropositive elements, that is…
ALUMINATE n. a salt whose acid is aluminum hydroxide.
ANNUALISEannualise v. (Transitive) To express (A quantity such as an interest rate, profit, expenditure etc.) as if it applied…
ANNUALISE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALIZE.
ANNUALIZEannualize v. American spelling and Oxford British spelling standard spelling of annualise.
ANNUALIZE v. to convert to a yearly rate, also ANNUALISE.
AURELIANSaurelians n. Plural of aurelian.
Aurelians n. Plural of Aurelian.
AURELIAN n. one who studies moths and butterflies.
EPIFAUNALepifaunal adj. Of or pertaining to epifauna.
EPIFAUNAL adj. of or relating to epifauna, the class of animals that inhabit submerged ground and river and sea beds.
MELANURIAmelanuria n. (Medicine) The excretion of urine of an abnormally dark colour, caused by the presence of melanin or…
MELANURIA n. the presence of a dark pigment in the urine.
NEURALGIAneuralgia n. (Pathology, neurology) An acute, severe, intermittent pain that radiates along a nerve.
neuralgia n. An acute, severe, reoccurring emotional distress.
NEURALGIA n. intense burning or stabbing pain, typically along the line of a nerve, esp. in the face.
SALIAUNCEsaliaunce n. Obsolete spelling of salience (“onslaught”).
SALIAUNCE n. (Spenser) an assault, sally.
UNAIDABLEunaidable adj. That cannot be aided.
UNAIDABLE adj. incapable of being aided, also INAIDABLE.
UNAMIABLEunamiable adj. Not amiable; not likable.
UNAMIABLE adj. not amiable; morose.
VAGINULAEvaginulae n. Plural of vaginula.
VAGINULA n. (Latin) a little sheath, also VAGINULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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