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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, 2I, L and T

AERIALISTaerialist n. An acrobat performing high off the ground, defying a fall to earth, as on a trapeze or a tightrope.
aerialist n. (Skiing) A specialist in aerials, a freestyle skiing discipline.
aerialist n. (Obsolete) One who operates a flying machine; a balloonist or aviator.
AERIALITYaeriality n. The state of being aerial or airy; insubstantiality.
AERIALITY n. the state of being aerial; insubstantiality.
AFFILIATEaffiliate n. Someone or something, especially, a television station, that is associated with a larger, related organization…
affiliate v. (Transitive) To adopt; to receive into a family as one’s offspring.
affiliate v. (Transitive) to bring or receive into close connection; to ally.
ANALITIESanalities n. Plural of anality.
ANALITY n. a stage of infantile development thought to involve a preoccupation with the anus and defecation.
ANTIALIENantialien adj. Opposing aliens or foreigners.
ANTIALIEN adj. opposed to foreigners.
BILABIATEbilabiate adj. (Botany) Having two lips; two-lipped.
BILABIATE adj. having two lips, as the corollas of certain flowers.
EPITAXIALepitaxial adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing epitaxy.
EPITAXIAL adj. relating to epitaxy, the growth of a thin layer of crystals on another crystal so that they have the same structure, also EPITAXIC.
GENITALIAgenitalia n. External sex organs.
genitalia n. (By extension) Any sex organs, whether external or internal.
GENITALIA n. the reproductive parts.
LACINIATElaciniate adj. Bordered with a fringe.
LACINIATE adj. cut into narrow lobes; finely fringed, also LACINIATED.
LATIMERIALatimeria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Latimeriidae – certain fishes.
LATIMERIA n. any fish of the coelacanth family.
MARIALITEmarialite n. (Mineralogy) A tetragonal-dipyramidal mineral containing aluminum, chlorine, oxygen, silicon, and sodium.
MARIALITE n. a mineral, a variety of scapolite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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