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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, G, 2R and T

ARBITRAGEarbitrage n. (Finance) A market activity in which a security, commodity, currency or other tradable item is bought…
arbitrage n. (Archaic) Arbitration.
arbitrage v. (Intransitive, finance) To employ arbitrage.
ARROGATEDarrogated v. Simple past tense and past participle of arrogate.
arrogated adj. Claimed falsely.
ARROGATE v. to claim unduly as one's own.
ARROGATESarrogates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arrogate.
ARROGATE v. to claim unduly as one's own.
ERGATANERERGATANER n. a worker-like wingless male ant.
GRAYWATERgraywater n. Alternative spelling of gray water.
gray␣water n. Water that is not clean enough to be potable, such as having been used for washing, but not contaminated…
GRAYWATER n. water that has been used.
MARGARITEmargarite n. (Obsolete) pearl.
margarite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium-rich member of the mica group of phyllosilicates, forming white to pinkish or…
MARGARITE n. a pearl.
REGARDANTregardant adj. (Heraldry, of an animal) With the head turned toward the back of the body.
regardant adj. Watchful, attentive; contemplative.
REGARDANT adj. in heraldry, in profile and looking to rear.
STARGAZERstargazer n. One who stargazes.
stargazer n. (Zoology) A perciform fish in the family Uranoscopidae.
STARGAZER n. any of various marine bony fishes.
TETRAGRAMtetragram n. A group of four letters.
tetragram n. In the Taixuanjing, a sequence of four lines, each of which may be unbroken, broken once, or broken…
TETRAGRAM n. a word or inscription of four letters.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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