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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, G, N, O and T

ABNEGATORabnegator n. (Rare) One who abnegates, denies, or rejects.
ABNEGATOR n. one who abnegates, renounce.
ADAPTOGENadaptogen n. (Medicine) Any natural herbal substance (such as ginseng) that is supposed to help the body adapt to…
ADAPTOGEN n. any of various natural substances used in herbal medicine as regulators.
ARAGONITEaragonite n. (Mineralogy) An evaporite consisting of anhydrous calcium carbonate with the chemical formula CaCO3
ARAGONITE n. an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate, also ARRAGONITE.
CARTONAGECARTONAGE n. (French) papyrus or linen soaked in plaster, shaped around a body; used for mummy masks and coffins, also CARTONNAGE.
CATALOGNEcatalogne n. (Canada) A French-Canadian woven rag rug or blanket.
CATALOGNE n. (Canadian) a kind of weaving using rags as the weft and widely spaced threads as the warp.
EVAGATIONevagation n. A wandering about; excursion; a roving.
EVAGATION n. wandering; digression.
MATRONAGEmatronage n. The collective body of matrons.
matronage n. The state of being a matron.
MATRONAGE n. the state of a matron.
PATRONAGEpatronage n. The act of providing approval and support; backing; championship.
patronage n. Customers collectively; clientele; business.
patronage n. The act or state of being a customer of some business.
TAMPONAGEtamponage n. (Medicine) The use of a tampon; a tamponade.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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