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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2E, M and 2S

AMEBIASESamebiases n. Plural of amebiasis.
AMEBIASIS n. infection of the colon by amoebae, also AMOEBIASIS.
ANAMNESESanamneses n. Plural of anamnesis.
ANAMNESIS n. a recalling to mind; a preliminary case history of a medical or psychiatric patient.
CASEMATEScasemates n. Plural of casemate.
CASEMATE n. a bombproof chamber or armoured compartment.
EMBASSADEembassade n. Alternative form of ambassade.
EMBASSADE n. (Shakespeare) the mission of an ambassador.
EMBASSAGEembassage n. (Archaic) An embassy.
embassage n. (Archaic) Message; errand.
EMBASSAGE n. an embassy, also AMBASSAGE.
MATELASSEmatelassé n. A heavy fabric, composed of two layers of cloth, used to form a quilted surface.
matelassé adj. Ornamented by means of an imitation or suggestion of quilting, the surface being marked by depressed…
MATELASSE adj. (French) having a raised pattern as if quilted.
METABASESmetabases n. Plural of metabase.
metabases n. Plural of metabasis.
METABASIS n. a transition, e.g. from one subject or point to another.
NAMESAKESnamesakes n. Plural of namesake.
name-sakes n. Plural of name-sake.
NAMESAKE n. one who is named after another.
PARAMESESPARAMESE n. in Greek music, the string or tone above the mese.
SEABREAMSseabreams n. Plural of seabream.
sea␣breams n. Plural of sea bream.
SEABREAM n. a popular food fish.
SEATMATESseatmates n. Plural of seatmate.
SEATMATE n. one with whom one shares a seat.
SMEARCASEsmearcase n. (US, Pennsylvania, especially Pennsylvania Dutch English) Cottage cheese.
smear-case n. Alternative form of smearcase.
smear␣case n. Alternative form of smearcase.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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