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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2E, M, N and S

ABASEMENTabasement n. The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low.
abasement n. The state of being abased or humbled; humiliation.
ABASEMENT n. the state of being abased (humbled); humiliation.
ANAMNESESanamneses n. Plural of anamnesis.
ANAMNESIS n. a recalling to mind; a preliminary case history of a medical or psychiatric patient.
DAMASCENEdamascene adj. Inlaid with silver or gold.
damascene adj. Of or from Damascus.
damascene v. (Transitive) To decorate (metalwork) with a peculiar marking or water produced in the process of manufacture…
DAMASKEENdamaskeen v. Alternative form of damascene.
DAMASKEEN v. to decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns, also DAMASCEENE, DAMASCENE, DAMASKIN, DAMASQUIN.
DEAMINASEdeaminase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme that catalyses deamination.
DEAMINASE n. an enzyme that hydrolyzes amino compounds.
ENDAMAGESendamages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of endamage.
ENDAMAGE v. to damage.
ENDAMEBASENDAMEBA n. (Greek) a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMEBA.
ENTAMEBASentamebas n. Plural of entameba.
ENTAMEBA n. (Greek) an amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery, also ENDAMEBA, ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMOEBA.
JAMPANEESjampanees n. Plural of jampanee.
JAMPANEE n. (Bengali) an Indian sedan chair bearer, also JAMPANI.
MANGANESEmanganese n. (Uncountable) A metallic chemical element (symbol Mn) with an atomic number of 25, not a free element…
manganese n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
MANGANESE n. a hard grey brittle chemical element, used in steels and magnetic alloys.
NAMESAKESnamesakes n. Plural of namesake.
name-sakes n. Plural of name-sake.
NAMESAKE n. one who is named after another.
NAMETAPESnametapes n. Plural of nametape.
NAMETAPE n. a small bit of cloth with the owner's name.
PLEASEMANpleaseman n. (Obsolete) An officious fellow; a pickthank.
PLEASEMAN n. (Shakespeare) an officious fellow; a pickthank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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