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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2E, H, R and T

AETHEREALaethereal adj. Alternative spelling of ethereal.
æthereal adj. Archaic form of ethereal.
AETHEREAL adj. like a spirit, also ETHEREAL, ETHERIAL.
AFTERHEATafterheat n. Residual useful heat obtained from a nuclear reactor during aftercooling.
AFTERHEAT n. the heat from fission products in a nuclear reactor after it has been shut down.
CATHEDRAEcathedrae n. Plural of cathedra.
cathedræ n. Plural of cathedra.
CATHEDRA n. (Latin) a bishop's throne.
DEATHCAREdeathcare n. The provision of products and services for the burial or cremation of the dead.
DEATHCARE adj. of, relating to, or providing products or services for the burial or cremation of the dead.
EARTHPEASearthpeas n. Plural of earthpea.
EARTHPEA n. the peanut, also EARTHNUT.
EPARCHATEeparchate n. An eparchy, or diocese of a bishop.
EPARCHATE n. the province or diocese of an eparch, also EPARCHY.
EXARCHATEexarchate n. (Historical) The province or area of an exarch.
EXARCHATE n. the office or the province of an exarch, the rank below patriarch in the Eastern church.
HAWEATERSHaweaters n. Plural of Haweater.
HAWEATER n. a resident of Manitoulin Island, Ontario.
HEADWATERheadwater n. (Chiefly in the plural) The source (and the initial part) of a stream.
HEADWATER n. the highest part of a stream or river before receiving tributaries.
HEARTACHEheartache n. Very sincere and difficult emotional problems or stress.
HEARTACHE n. sorrow, anguish.
HEARTBEATheartbeat n. One pulsation of the heart; especially an irregular one, hence the emotion which causes it.
heartbeat n. The rhythm at which a heart pulsates, a cardiac indicator.
heartbeat n. A driving impulse or vital force; the vital center of something.
HEARTPEASHEARTPEA n. the balloon-vine, also HEARTSEED.
HEKETARASHEKETARA n. (Maori) a small shrub that has flowers with white petals and yellow centres.
TABASHEERtabasheer n. A translucent white substance, composed mainly of silica and water with traces of lime and potash, obtained…
TABASHEER n. (Hindi) a siliceous substance sometimes found in crude form in hollows of bamboos, used in Eastern medicine, also TABASHIR.
THEREAWAYthereaway adv. In that direction; thereabout.
thereaway adv. From that place or direction; thence.
there␣away adv. Alternative form of thereaway.
TRACHEATEtracheate adj. (Zoology) Having tracheae.
tracheate n. (Zoology) Any arthropod with tracheae; one of the Tracheata.
tracheate v. (Zoology, rare) To form tracheae.
WATERHEADwaterhead n. A spring or headwater.
waterhead n. An area of high elevation, viewed as the catchment basin for a region.
waterhead n. A reservoir or natural source of water that is put to use.
WHEATEARSwheatears n. Plural of wheatear.
WHEATEAR n. any of several birds of the genus Oenanthe, which have black tails and conspicuous white rumps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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