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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, N, R, S and T

ABRADANTSabradants n. Plural of abradant.
ABRADANT n. a material used for grinding, as emery, sand, powdered glass, etc.
DENTARIASDENTARIA n. any plant of the genus Dentaria, that includes toothwort.
DRAFTSMANdraftsman n. US standard spelling of draughtsman.
draftsman n. A person who drafts legal documents.
DRAFTSMAN n. a person whose profession is to make drawings, plans, or sketches, also DRAUGHTSMAN.
GUARDANTSguardants n. Plural of guardant.
GUARDANT n. a guardian, also GARDANT.
HANDCARTShandcarts n. Plural of handcart.
handcarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handcart.
hand-carts n. Plural of hand-cart.
HARDSTANDhardstand n. Open ground, having a hard surface, used for the storage of material or the parking of vehicles.
HARDSTAND n. a hard surface on which cars, aircraft etc. may stand, also HARDSTANDING.
MANDATORSmandators n. Plural of mandator.
MANDATOR n. one who gives a mandate.
QUADRANTSquadrants n. Plural of quadrant.
QUADRANT n. a quarter section of a circle.
RAINDATESraindates n. Plural of raindate.
RAINDATE n. an alternate date in the event of rain.
SEASTRANDseastrand n. Synonym of seashore.
SEASTRAND n. the seashore.
STANDARDSstandards n. Plural of standard.
standards n. Principles of conduct shaped by one’s ideas of morality, decency and honor.
STANDARD n. an established measure of comparison.
STERADIANsteradian n. (Geometry) In the International System of Units, the derived unit of solid angle; the solid angle subtended…
STERADIAN n. a unit of measurement for solid angles.
TAMARINDStamarinds n. Plural of tamarind.
TAMARIND n. (Arabic) a large tropical tree; its fruit.
THANADARSthanadars n. Plural of thanadar.
THANADAR n. (Hindi) an officer in charge of a tana, a police station, also TANADAR.
TRADESMANtradesman n. A skilled manual worker (implied male).
tradesman n. (Archaic) One who trades; a shopkeeper.
TRADESMAN n. one who makes a living from trade.
TRANSFARDTRANSFARD v. (Spenser) transferred.
TRIDACNAStridacnas n. Plural of tridacna.
TRIDACNA n. (Greek) a giant clam.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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