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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N, S and U

AVISANDUMavisandum n. Alternative form of avizandum.
AVISANDUM n. (Scots) a private consideration of a case by a judge, also AVIZANDUM.
DAMASQUINdamasquin v. Alternative form of damascene.
DAMASQUIN v. to decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns, also DAMASCEENE, DAMASCENE, DAMASKEEN, DAMASKIN.
FRAUDSMANfraudsman n. A male fraudster.
FRAUDSMAN n. a person involved in criminal fraud.
GUARDSMANguardsman n. A person, especially a soldier, who is on guard.
guardsman n. (US) A member of the National Guard.
guardsman n. (Britain) A member of a Guards regiment.
LABDANUMSlabdanums n. Plural of labdanum.
LABDANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin gathered from certain Oriental species of Cistus, also LADANUM.
LAUDANUMSlaudanums n. Plural of laudanum.
LAUDANUM n. a type of opium preparation.
OMADHAUNSomadhauns n. Plural of omadhaun.
OMADHAUN n. (Irish) a fool, idiot, simpleton.
SUDAMINALsudaminal adj. Relating to a sudamen.
SUDAMINAL adj. relating to sudamina, whitish vesicles due to the retention of sweat in the sweat ducts or under the skin.
TAMANDUAStamanduas n. Plural of tamandua.
TAMANDUA n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDU.
UNAMASSEDunamassed adj. Not amassed.
UNAMASSED adj. not amassed.
UNASHAMEDunashamed adj. Feeling or showing no shame, embarrassment or remorse.
UNASHAMED adj. not ashamed.
VANADIUMSvanadiums n. Plural of vanadium.
VANADIUM n. a silvery metallic element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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