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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N, S and T

BANDMATESbandmates n. Plural of bandmate.
BANDMATE n. a fellow member of a band.
DEATHSMANdeathsman n. (Obsolete) An executioner; a headsman or hangman.
DEATHSMAN n. (Shakespeare) an executioner.
DIAMANTESdiamantes n. Plural of diamante.
diamantés n. Plural of diamanté.
DIAMANTE n. (French) a sparkling decoration on a dress.
DRAFTSMANdraftsman n. US standard spelling of draughtsman.
draftsman n. A person who drafts legal documents.
DRAFTSMAN n. a person whose profession is to make drawings, plans, or sketches, also DRAUGHTSMAN.
HANDSTAMPhandstamp n. A rubber stamp; a stamp applied by hand.
handstamp v. (Transitive) To stamp with a handstamp.
HANDSTAMP v. to stamp by hand.
LAMPSTANDlampstand n. A menorah or other holder or stand for a lamp.
LAMPSTAND n. a stand for a lamp.
MANDATORSmandators n. Plural of mandator.
MANDATOR n. one who gives a mandate.
TAMANDUAStamanduas n. Plural of tamandua.
TAMANDUA n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDU.
TAMARINDStamarinds n. Plural of tamarind.
TAMARIND n. (Arabic) a large tropical tree; its fruit.
TRADESMANtradesman n. A skilled manual worker (implied male).
tradesman n. (Archaic) One who trades; a shopkeeper.
TRADESMAN n. one who makes a living from trade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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