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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, H, N, R and S

ANHEDRALSanhedrals n. Plural of anhedral.
ANHEDRAL n. the downward inclination of an aircraft's wing.
ANHYDRASEanhydrase n. (Chemistry) An enzyme that catalyzes the removal of water from a material.
ANHYDRASE n. an enzyme that catalyses the removal of water.
ARACHNIDSarachnids n. Plural of arachnid.
ARACHNID n. any member of the Arachnida, the large class of arthropods that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, etc.
BAREHANDSbare␣hands n. Plural of bare hand.
BAREHAND v. to field the ball in baseball with bare hands rather than with gloves.
FARMHANDSfarmhands n. Plural of farmhand.
FARMHAND n. a farm laborer.
HAIRBANDShairbands n. Plural of hairband.
hair␣bands n. Plural of hair band.
HAIRBAND n. a band for the hair.
HANDCARTShandcarts n. Plural of handcart.
handcarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of handcart.
hand-carts n. Plural of hand-cart.
HANDRAILShandrails n. Plural of handrail.
HANDRAIL n. a railing used for support.
HARDSTANDhardstand n. Open ground, having a hard surface, used for the storage of material or the parking of vehicles.
HARDSTAND n. a hard surface on which cars, aircraft etc. may stand, also HARDSTANDING.
HARRIDANSharridans n. Plural of harridan.
HARRIDAN n. a sharp-tongued woman.
LANDSHARKlandshark n. (Obsolete, slang, derogatory, among smugglers) A customs officer.
landshark n. (Obsolete, slang, derogatory) A swindler or fraudster.
landshark n. (Derogatory) A landgrabber.
MARSHLANDmarshland n. Marshy land; bog or fen.
MARSHLAND n. low poorly drained land that is sometimes flooded and often lies at the edge of lakes, streams, etc.
SANDARACHsandarach n. Alternative form of sandarac.
SANDARACH n. (Latin) the resin of a tropical tree, powdered to form pounce and used in making varnish, also SANDARAC.
THANADARSthanadars n. Plural of thanadar.
THANADAR n. (Hindi) an officer in charge of a tana, a police station, also TANADAR.
VERANDAHSverandahs n. Plural of verandah.
VERANDAH n. (Hindi) a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building, also VERANDA, VIRANDA, VIRANDO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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