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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, N, P, S and T

ANAPESTICanapestic adj. Of, or relating to, or composed of an anapest.
anapestic adj. Of, or relating to, one of the distinct beats in a (human?) heartbeat pattern.
anapestic adj. Of, or relating to, a rhythmic pattern used in certain forms of poetry (see also limeric or limerick).
CAMPANISTcampanist n. One who studies bells.
CAMPANIST n. a person with an expert knowledge of bells.
CANTRAIPScantraips n. Plural of cantraip.
CANTRAIP n. (Scots) a charm; an incantation, also CANTRAP, CANTRIP.
CAPITANOScapitanos n. Plural of capitano.
Capitanos prop.n. Plural of Capitano.
CAPITANO n. (Italian) a headman.
CAPITAYNScapitayns n. Plural of capitayn.
CAPITAYN n. (Spenser) a captain.
CAPONATAScaponatas n. Plural of caponata.
CAPONATA n. (Italian) a type of Italian fish salad.
CATNAPERScatnapers n. Plural of catnaper.
CATNAPER n. one that steals cats, usually to sell them for research, also CATNAPPER.
PANCETTASpancettas n. Plural of pancetta.
PANCETTA n. (Italian) unsmoked Italian bacon.
PASTANCESpastances n. Plural of pastance.
PASTANCE n. (archaic) a pastime.
PLACENTASplacentas n. Plural of placenta.
PLACENTA n. (Latin) a round flat spongy vascular organ to which the foetus of most mammals is attached by the umbilical cord.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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