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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, I, M, O and R

AMAUROTICamaurotic adj. Pertaining to or suffering from amaurosis.
AMAUROTIC adj. relating to amaurosis, partial or total blindness, without apparent change in the eye.
ARMONICASarmonicas n. Plural of armonica.
ARMONICA n. a kind of musical instrument.
AROMATICSaromatics n. Plural of aromatic.
AROMATIC n. a sweet-smelling substance.
CARBAMINOcarbamino n. (Biochemistry, attributive) Designating a compound composed by the addition of carbon dioxide to a free…
CARBAMINO adj. relating to any of the carbamic acid derivatives formed by reaction of carbon dioxide with an amino acid or a protein.
CARCINOMAcarcinoma n. (Countable) An invasive malignant tumour derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to…
carcinoma n. (Obsolete, countable) A form of cancer; (uncountable) cancer in general as a disease.
CARCINOMA n. (Greek) a cancer.
CHARMONIAcharmonia n. Plural of charmonium.
CHARMONIUM n. any of various elementary particles consisting of a charm quark and an antiquark.
COPRAEMIAcopraemia n. Alternative form of copræmia.
copræmia n. (Medicine) Condition caused by retention of faecal matter and absorption of their material into blood.
COPRAEMIA n. blood poisoning resulting from chronic constipation, also COPREMIA.
HARMONICAharmonica n. A musical wind instrument with a series of holes for the player to blow into, each hole producing a different note.
harmonica n. A musical instrument, consisting of a series of hemispherical glasses which, by touching the edges with…
harmonica n. A toy instrument of strips of glass or metal hung on two tapes, and struck with hammers.
MACARONICmacaronic adj. (Archaic) Jumbled, mixed.
macaronic adj. (Literature) Written in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages.
macaronic adj. (Dated) Like a macaroni or dandy; foppish, trifling, affected.
MACARONISmacaronis n. Plural of macaroni.
MACARONI n. (Italian) a tubular pasta, also MACCARONI.
MACCARONImaccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a type of pasta”).
maccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a fop, a dandy”).
MACCARONI n. (Italian) a form of pasta, also MACARONI.
MACROBIANmacrobian adj. Having an exceptionally long life span.
Macrobian adj. Of or relating to Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius, Ancient Roman writer.
Macrobian n. (Historical) A member of an ancient Proto-Somali tribal kingdom positioned in the Horn of Africa, mentioned…
MACROGLIAmacroglia n. Any of various glial cells that are larger than microglia.
MACROGLIA n. one of the two types of non-nervous tissue found in the central nervous system.
MACROPSIAmacropsia n. (Pathology) A disorder in which objects appear much larger than normal, most often the result of a neurological…
MACROPSIA n. a condition of the eyes in which objects appear larger than normal.
MANTICORAmanticora n. Alternative form of manticore.
manticora n. Any of various predatory beetles of genus Manticora.
MANTICORA n. a mythical monster with head of man, body of lion, tail of dragon or scorpion, also MANTICORE.
MAROCAINSmarocains n. Plural of marocain.
MAROCAIN n. (French) a dress material finished with a grain surface like morocco leather, also MAROQUIN.
MYOCARDIAmyocardia n. Plural of myocardium.
MYOCARDIUM n. the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart inclosed between the epicardium and endocardium.
PANORAMICpanoramic adj. Of or pertaining to a panorama; with a wide view.
panoramic n. (Photography) A panoramic image.
PANORAMIC adj. relating to a panorama, a wide or complete view.
PAROEMIACparoemiac n. A catalectic anapestic dimeter.
PAROEMIAC n. the anapaestic dimeter catalectic.
PROCAMBIAprocambia n. Plural of procambium.
PROCAMBIUM n. the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle before its component cells have begun to be differentiated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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