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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, I, L, T and U

ACICULATEaciculate adj. Furnished with aciculae.
aciculate adj. Acicular (needle-shaped).
aciculate adj. Marked with fine irregular streaks as if scratched by a needle.
ACIDULATEacidulate v. (Transitive) To make slightly or moderately acid; to acidify.
acidulate v. (Transitive) To make sour in a moderate degree; to sour somewhat.
acidulate v. (Transitive) To use an acidic catalyst, with the chemical change being emphasised over the importance…
ACQUITTALacquittal n. (Now rare) The act of fulfilling the duties (Of a given role, obligation etc.).
acquittal n. (Law) A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal…
acquittal n. Payment of a debt or other obligation; reparations, amends.
ACTUALISEactualise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of actualize.
ACTUALISE v. to make actual, realise, also ACTUALIZE.
ACTUALISTactualist n. A proponent of actualism.
ACTUALIST n. a person who deals with or considers actual facts.
ACTUALITEACTUALITE n. (French) the real state of affairs.
ACTUALITYactuality n. The state of existing; existence.
actuality n. An instance or quality of being actual or factual; fact.
actuality n. (Television) Live reporting on current affairs.
ACTUALIZEactualize v. (Transitive) To make real; to realize.
actualize v. (Intransitive) To become actual or real.
actualize v. (Reflexive) To realize one’s full potential.
ACTUARIALactuarial adj. Of or pertaining to actuaries.
actuarial adj. Relating to statistical calculation, especially pertaining to insurance.
ACTUARIAL adj. of or pertaining to actuaries.
APICULATEapiculate adj. (Botany) Having a short, sharply pointed tip.
APICULATE adj. of leaves, having a short point at the tip.
ARTICULARarticular adj. (Anatomy) Of, at, or relating to the joints of the body.
articular adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to the grammatical article.
ARTICULAR adj. pertaining to joints.
AUCTORIALauctorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an author.
AUCTORIAL adj. of or relating to an author.
AUTOCIDALautocidal adj. Relating to autocide.
AUTOCIDAL adj. of pest control, effected by the introduction of sterile or genetically altered individuals into the wild population.
CALIATOURcaliatour n. (Archaic) A kind of dyewood that grows in India on the Coromandel coast.
CALIATOUR n. an old term for a tropical dyewood, perhaps red-sanders, also CALLIATURE.
CAPITULARcapitular n. An act passed in a chapter.
capitular n. A member of a chapter.
capitular n. The head or prominent part.
CAUSALITYcausality n. The agency of a cause; the action or power of a cause, in producing its effect.
causality n. The relationship between something that happens or exists and the thing that causes it; the cause and…
CAUSALITY n. the relationship between cause and effect.
CAUSTICALcaustical adj. Archaic form of caustic.
CAUSTICAL adj. burning, also CAUSTIC.
LUNATICALlunatical adj. (Rare) Lunatic.
LUNATICAL adj. crazy, also LUNATIC.
MATRICULAmatricula n. (Obsolete) A register of students who are enrolled.
matricula n. (Obsolete) A document indicating that a student has passed a course of study.
matricula n. An identification card issued by the Mexican consulate.
QUANTICALquantical adj. (Mathematics) Relating to quantics.
quantical adj. Quantum.
QUANTICAL adj. of or like a quantic, a homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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