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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, I, 2L and Y

ACTINALLYactinally adv. In an actinal manner.
ACTINAL adv. pertaining to the part of a radiate animal, such as a starfish, which contains the mouth.
ANCILLARYancillary adj. Subordinate; secondary; auxiliary.
ancillary n. Something that serves an ancillary function, such as an easel for a painter.
ancillary n. (Archaic) An auxiliary.
ANTICALLYantically adv. In an antic manner.
ANTICAL adv. above or in front of another plant part, anterior.
ASYLLABICasyllabic adj. Not syllabic.
ASYLLABIC adj. without syllables.
BACILLARYbacillary adj. Of or pertaining to a bacillus.
BACILLARY adj. of the shape or nature of a bacillus, rodlike, also BACILLAR.
BASICALLYbasically adv. In a fundamental, essential or basic manner.
basically adv. Mostly; generally; for the most part.
basically adv. (Filler) used to refer to the most important or fundamental point the speaker is making; sometimes tending…
CALYCINALcalycinal adj. (Botany) Alternative form of calycine.
CALYCINAL adj. of or pertaining to a cup or calyx, also CALYCATE, CALYCEAL, CALYCINE.
CAPILLARYcapillary adj. Of or pertaining to hair.
capillary adj. Of or pertaining to a narrow tube.
capillary adj. Of, relating to, or caused by surface tension.
CAPITALLYcapitally adv. Chiefly; principally.
capitally adv. (Dated) Excellent.
capitally adv. (Not comparable) By capital punishment.
COAXIALLYcoaxially adv. With a common central axis.
COAXIAL adv. having a common axis, also COAXAL.
CRANIALLYcranially adv. With regard to the cranium.
cranially adv. Towards the cranium.
CRANIAL adv. pertaining to the skull.
GLACIALLYglacially adv. (Geology) Through glacial action.
glacially adv. In a (literally or figuratively) icy manner; icily.
glacially adv. With the speed of a glacier; very slowly.
MAGICALLYmagically adv. In a magical manner; by magic, or as if by magic.
MAGICAL adv. resembling magic.
MANICALLYmanically adv. In a manic manner.
MANIC adv. affected by mania.
PANICALLYPANICALLY adv. in a panicking manner.
RADICALLYradically adv. In a radical manner; fundamentally; very.
radically adv. At the root.
RADICAL adv. fundamental.
SPACIALLYspacially adv. Archaic form of spatially.
SPACIAL adv. pertaining to space, also SPATIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 25 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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