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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, H, 2R and T

ACRITARCHacritarch n. (Paleontology, palynology) Any small, non-acid-soluble (i.e. non-carbonate, non-siliceous) organic fossil…
ACRITARCH n. any of a group of fossil one-celled marine organisms.
ANARTHRICanarthric adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or suffering from anarthria; unable to articulate owing to muscle weakness.
ANARTHRIC adj. relating to anarthria, loss of the ability to speak coherently.
CATARRHALcatarrhal adj. Relating to catarrh.
CATARRHAL adj. of or like catarrh, also CATARRHOUS.
CHARACTERcharacter n. (Countable) A being involved in the action of a story.
character n. (Countable) A distinguishing feature; characteristic; trait; phene.
character n. (Uncountable, countable) A complex of traits marking a person, group, breed, or type.
MATRIARCHmatriarch n. A female leader of a family, a tribe or an ethnic or religious group.
matriarch n. A female founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise.
MATRIARCH n. a woman who is the head of a family.
PATRIARCHpatriarch n. (Christianity) The highest form of bishop, in the ancient world having authority over other bishops…
patriarch n. In Biblical contexts, a male leader of a family, tribe or ethnic group, especially one of the twelve…
patriarch n. A founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise.
TRACHEARYtracheary adj. Tracheal; breathing by means of tracheae.
tracheary n. (Zoology, archaic) Any of the Trachearia.
TRACHEARY adj. breathing by means of tracheae.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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