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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, H, I, P and R

ANAPHORICanaphoric adj. Of, or relating to, an anaphora.
ANAPHORIC adj. referring to a preceding word or group of words, also ANAPHORAL, ANAPHORICAL.
ARCHICARParchicarp n. The female reproductive structure of an ascomycete.
ARCHICARP n. a female reproductive structure in certain types of fungi.
CHAPRASSIchaprassi n. Alternative form of chaprasi.
CHAPRASSI n. (Urdu) an office messenger, a household attendant, also CHUPRASSY.
EPARCHIALeparchial adj. Of or pertaining to an eparchy.
EPARCHIAL adj. having an eparch, in ancient Greece, the governor or prefect of a province.
GRAPHICALgraphical adj. Of, related to, or shown on a graph.
graphical adj. (Computing) Of, related to, or using graphics.
graphical adj. Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines.
PAROCHIALparochial adj. Pertaining to a parish.
parochial adj. Characterized by an unsophisticated focus on local concerns to the exclusion of wider contexts; elementary…
parochial n. A parochial individual.
PATRIARCHpatriarch n. (Christianity) The highest form of bishop, in the ancient world having authority over other bishops…
patriarch n. In Biblical contexts, a male leader of a family, tribe or ethnic group, especially one of the twelve…
patriarch n. A founder of a political or religious movement, an organization or an enterprise.
PHARAONICpharaonic adj. Of or pertaining to a pharaoh.
pharaonic adj. Impressively large or luxurious.
pharaonic adj. Tyrannical or brutally oppressive.
PHARISAICpharisaic adj. Of or pertaining to the Pharisees.
pharisaic adj. (Chiefly Christianity) Emphasizing the observance of ritual or practice over the meaning.
pharisaic adj. Self-righteous.
PRAISEACHPRAISEACH n. (Irish) a kind of oatmeal porridge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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