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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, H, I and 2L

ACHILLEASachilleas n. Plural of achillea.
ACHILLEA n. a plant of the yarrow genus.
ALECITHALalecithal adj. (Biology, of an ovum) Tending to segment uniformly, and having little or no yolk embedded in the protoplasm.
ALECITHAL adj. of an ovum, having little or no yolk.
CAILLACHScaillachs n. Plural of caillach.
CAILLACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLEACH, CAILLIACH.
CAILLEACHcailleach n. (Scotland) An old woman.
CAILLEACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLIACH.
CAILLIACHcailliach n. Alternative form of cailleach.
CAILLIACH n. (Gaelic) an old woman, also CAILLACH, CAILLEACH.
CALLIPASHcallipash n. Alternative form of calipash.
CALLIPASH n. a part of a turtle which is next to the upper shell, also CALIPASH.
CHAINFALLchainfall n. A chain laid across a beam or similar, used as part of a hoist for lifting objects.
CHAINFALL n. a type of hoist.
CHILIADALCHILIADAL adj. relating to a chiliad, also CHILIADIC.
CHILLADASCHILLADA n. (Spanish) in Mexican cookery, a spiced fried cake made from pureed vegetables.
ECHOLALIAecholalia n. (Clinical psychology) The immediate, involuntary, and repetitive echoing of words or phrases spoken by another.
echolalia n. An infant’s repetitive imitation of vocal sounds spoken by another person, occurring naturally during…
echolalia n. Any apparently meaningless, repetitious noises, especially voices.
RACHILLAErachillae n. Plural of rachilla.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RACHILLASrachillas n. Plural of rachilla.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RHACHILLArhachilla n. Alternative form of rachilla.
RHACHILLA n. (Greek) the axis of a grass spikelet, also RACHILLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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