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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, E, M, P and R

CAMPANEROcampanero n. The bellbird of South America.
CAMPANERO n. (Spanish) the bellbird of South America.
CAMPEADORcampeador n. A warrior, in Spanish contexts.
CAMPEADOR n. (Spanish) a champion, esp. El Cid.
CAPMAKERScapmakers n. Plural of capmaker.
CAPMAKER n. one that makes caps.
COPRAEMIAcopraemia n. Alternative form of copræmia.
copræmia n. (Medicine) Condition caused by retention of faecal matter and absorption of their material into blood.
COPRAEMIA n. blood poisoning resulting from chronic constipation, also COPREMIA.
MARCHPANEmarchpane n. Obsolete form of marzipan.
MARCHPANE n. (Italian) an old name for marzipan, a confection of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar.
MERCAPTANmercaptan n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of organic compounds of sulphur, ( R1.S.R2 ); they tend to be foul-smelling…
MERCAPTAN n. a substance analogous to an alcohol, with sulphur instead of oxygen.
METACARPImetacarpi n. Plural of metacarpus.
METACARPUS n. that part of the skeleton of the hand or forefoot between the carpus and phalanges.
PACEMAKERpacemaker n. One who sets the pace in a race, to guide the others.
pacemaker n. (Anatomy) A set of nerves which stimulate the heart to beat.
pacemaker n. (By extension, medicine) A medical implement that is used to stimulate a heart to beat by simulating…
PACKFRAMEPACKFRAME n. a light metal frame with shoulder straps, used for carrying heavy loads.
PARAMECIAparamecia n. Plural of paramecium.
PARAMECIUM n. a genus of tiny animals including the slipper animalcule, also PARAMAECIUM, PARAMOECIUM.
PARAMEDICparamedic n. An individual trained to medically stabilize people through various interventions, victims of trauma…
paramedic n. (US) An individual who is licensed at the state or national level to practice medical interventions…
PARAMEDIC adj. helping doctors or supplementing medical work.
PAROEMIACparoemiac n. A catalectic anapestic dimeter.
PAROEMIAC n. the anapaestic dimeter catalectic.
PIRACETAMpiracetam n. A nootropic drug, 2-oxo-1-pyrrolidine acetamide.
PIRACETAM n. a drug used to treat muscle spasm.
PREADAMICpreadamic adj. Prior to the existence of the Biblical Adam.
PREADAMIC adj. relating to the belief that there were people on the earth before Adam.
SAPRAEMICsapraemic adj. Relating to, or having, sapraemia.
SAPRAEMIC adj. relating to sapraemia, a kind of blood-poisoning, also SAPREMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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