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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, E, I and 2R

ACROTERIAacroteria n. Plural of acroterium.
ACROTERIUM n. a pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment, also ACROTER, ACROTERION.
ARCHAISERarchaiser n. Alternative form of archaizer.
ARCHAISER n. one who archaises, also ARCHAIZER.
ARCHAIZERarchaizer n. One who makes archaic, as by using an archaic style.
ARCHAIZER n. one who archaizes, also ARCHAISER.
ARRIVANCEarrivance n. (Obsolete) Arrival.
ARRIVANCE n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCY.
BARRICADEbarricade n. A barrier constructed across a road, especially as a military defence.
barricade n. An obstacle, barrier, or bulwark.
barricade n. (Figuratively, in the plural) A place of confrontation.
CARABINERcarabiner n. A metal link with a gate that can open and close, generally used for clipping ropes to anchors or other objects.
CARABINER n. (German) a steel link with a clip on side used in mountaineering, also KARABINER.
CARRIAGEScarriages n. Plural of carriage.
carriages n. (Dated) Used to specify the time that an event will end (e.g. when people would leave in their carriages).
CARRIAGE n. a wheeled horse-drawn vehicle.
CERCARIAEcercariae n. Plural of cercaria.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CERCARIALcercarial adj. Relating to, or characteristic of cercariae.
CERCARIAL adj. relating to a cercaria, the larval form of a trematode worm, also CERCARIAN.
CERCARIANcercarian adj. (Zoology) Of, like, or relating to the Cercariae.
cercarian n. (Zoology) One of the Cercariae.
CERCARIAN adj. relating to a cercaria, the larval form of a trematode worm, also CERCARIAL.
CERCARIAScercarias n. Plural of cercaria.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CINERARIAcineraria n. Plural of cinerarium.
cineraria n. (Botany) Any of the genus Cineraria of flowering plants in the sunflower family.
cineraria n. Any of the garden flowers in the species Pericallis × hybrida (formerly classified in the genus Cineraria).
ERRATICALerratical adj. (Rare) erratic.
ERRATICAL adj. (archaic) erratic, also ERRATIC.
PARACRINEparacrine adj. Describing a hormone or other secretion released from endocrine cells into the surrounding tissue rather…
PARACRINE adj. of signalling between biological senses.
PRECARIATprecariat n. (Sociology, collective) People suffering from precarity, especially as a social class; people living…
PRECARIAT n. the class of people in society who lack a reliable long-term source of income, such as permanent employment.
RANCHERIArancheria n. A small settlement in the Americas, especially of Native Americans.
rancheria n. (Philippines, historical) A political division of the native tribes.
RANCHERIA n. (Spanish) in Spanish America and the western US, a collection of Indian huts; a place or house where a number of rancheros live.
RICERCATAricercata n. (Music) A very elaborate form of fugue.
RICERCATA n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCAR, RICERCARE.
TARRIANCEtarriance n. (Obsolete, rare) The act of tarrying; dalliance.
TARRIANCE n. (archaic) delay, dallying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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