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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, E, H, N and S

ANARCHIESanarchies n. Plural of anarchy.
ANARCHY n. the absence of law or government.
ANARCHISEanarchise v. Alternative form of anarchize.
ANARCHISE v. to reduce to anarchy, also ANARCHIZE.
ANTHRACESANTHRAX n. a deadly disease of sheep or cattle.
ARCHAEANSarchaeans n. Plural of archaean.
ARCHAEAN n. any member of the archaea, an order of prokaryootic microorganisms, also ARCHAEON, ARCHEAN.
BARCHANESbarchanes n. Plural of barchane.
BARCHANE n. (Turkish) a crescent-shaped sand dune, also BARKHAN, BARCHAN, BARKAN.
CALANTHEScalanthes n. Plural of calanthe.
CALANTHE n. (Greek) an orchid of the genus Calanthe, having tall spikes of long-lasting flowers.
CAMPHANEScamphanes n. Plural of camphane.
CAMPHANE n. a type of hydrocarbon.
CHANTAGESCHANTAGE n. (French) blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts.
EULACHANSeulachans n. Plural of eulachan.
EULACHAN n. (Native American) the north Pacific candlefish, also EULACHON, OOLACHAN, OOLAKAN, OOLICHAN, OULACHON, OULAKAN, ULICON, ULIKON.
HACIENDAShaciendas n. Plural of hacienda.
HACIENDA n. (Spanish) a landed estate, a ranch.
HANSEATICHanseatic adj. Of or pertaining to the German Hanse.
HANSEATIC adj. relating to the hansa, a guild of merchants.
ICEKHANASicekhanas n. Plural of icekhana.
ICEKHANA n. an automotive event held on a frozen lake.
PANCHAXESpanchaxes n. Plural of panchax.
PANCHAX n. (Latin) any of several kinds of brightly coloured fish, often stocked in aquariums.
RANCHERASrancheras n. Plural of ranchera.
RANCHERA n. (Spanish) a type of Mexican country music.
SEANNACHYseannachy n. Alternative form of seannachie.
SEANNACHY n. (Gaelic) a Highland or Irish genealogist and transmitter of family lore, also SEANNACHIE, SENNACHIE, SHANACHIE.
SELACHIANselachian adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to (what is now classified as) the superorder Selachimorpha or division Selachii…
selachian adj. Sharklike.
selachian n. (Zoology) Any organism of the superorder Selachimorpha or subclass Elasmobranchii; an extant shark (or…
SHANACHIEshanachie n. (Ireland) storyteller.
SHANACHIE n. (Gaelic) a Highland or Irish genealogist and transmitter of family lore, also SEANNACHIE, SEANNACHY, SENNACHIE.
SNAPHANCEsnaphance n. A spring lock for discharging a firearm.
snaphance n. The firearm to which it is attached.
snaphance n. (Obsolete) A trifling or second-rate thing or person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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