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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, P and S

ACALEPHESACALEPHE n. (Greek) any cnidarian (a jellyfish), also ACALEPH, ACALEPHAN.
AEROSPACEaerospace n. The atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it.
aerospace n. The industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft.
aerospace adj. Of, or relating to the Earth’s atmosphere and nearby space.
APPEACHESappeaches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appeach.
APPEACH v. (Shakespeare) to accuse, impeach.
CASSAREEPcassareep n. A thick black liquid made from cassava root and spices, used medicinally and as a flavouring and preservative.
CASSAREEP n. (Tupi) the juice of the cassava root, made into syrup and used in sauces.
ESCAPABLEescapable adj. Able to be escaped or run from.
escapable adj. Not needed or necessary (Can we add an example for this sense?).
ESCAPABLE adj. avoidable.
ESCAPADESescapades n. Plural of escapade.
ESCAPADE n. a reckless adventure.
HEADSPACEheadspace n. The space between the top of the contents of a container (such as a jar) and its seal (such as a lid).
headspace n. (Informal) One’s mental state.
headspace n. (Informal) Unscheduled time for reflection and thinking.
MEATSPACEmeatspace n. (Internet, often derogatory) The physical world, as opposed to the virtual world of the Internet.
meat-space n. Alternative form of meatspace.
meat␣space n. Alternative form of meatspace.
PALEFACESpalefaces n. Plural of paleface.
Palefaces n. Plural of Paleface.
pale␣faces n. Plural of pale face.
PARASCEVEparasceve n. Alternative form of Parasceve.
Parasceve n. (Christianity) The day of preparation before the (Jewish) Sabbath; Friday.
PARASCEVE n. among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath.
PLEASANCEpleasance n. A pleasure ground laid out with shady walks, trees and shrubs, statuary, and ornamental water; a secluded…
pleasance n. (Obsolete) Willingness to please, or the action of pleasing; courtesy.
pleasance n. (Obsolete) The feeling of being pleased; pleasure, delight.
SEASCAPESseascapes n. Plural of seascape.
SEASCAPE n. a picture representing a scene at sea.
SEXCAPADEsexcapade n. (Humorous) A sexual escapade; an incident or story involving sex.
SEXCAPADE n. a sexual escapade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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