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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, P and R

AEROSPACEaerospace n. The atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it.
aerospace n. The industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft.
aerospace adj. Of, or relating to the Earth’s atmosphere and nearby space.
CASSAREEPcassareep n. A thick black liquid made from cassava root and spices, used medicinally and as a flavouring and preservative.
CASSAREEP n. (Tupi) the juice of the cassava root, made into syrup and used in sauces.
EPARCHATEeparchate n. An eparchy, or diocese of a bishop.
EPARCHATE n. the province or diocese of an eparch, also EPARCHY.
PACEMAKERpacemaker n. One who sets the pace in a race, to guide the others.
pacemaker n. (Anatomy) A set of nerves which stimulate the heart to beat.
pacemaker n. (By extension, medicine) A medical implement that is used to stimulate a heart to beat by simulating…
PARACLETEparaclete n. An advocate or helper.
paraclete n. Alternative letter-case form of Paraclete, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost.
Paraclete prop.n. (Christianity) The Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, especially in its role as comforter of the faithful.
PARASCEVEparasceve n. Alternative form of Parasceve.
Parasceve n. (Christianity) The day of preparation before the (Jewish) Sabbath; Friday.
PARASCEVE n. among the Jews, the evening before the Sabbath.
REPACKAGErepackage v. To package again, to give new packaging to.
REPACKAGE v. to package again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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