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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, D, E, P and S

ASCLEPIADAsclepiad n. (Poetry) A choriambic verse consisting of four metrical feet: a spondee, two choriambi, and an iambus.
Asclepiad n. (Ancient Greece) A member of one of the families that claimed descent from Asclepius, known as physicians or healers.
ASCLEPIAD n. a choriambic verse, first used by the Greek poet Asclepias, consisting of four feet, viz. a spondee, two choriambi, and an iambus.
CISPADANECispadane adj. On the near (south) side of the river Po with reference to Rome.
CISPADANE adj. on the hither side of the river Po with reference to Rome; that is, on the south side.
ESCAPADESescapades n. Plural of escapade.
ESCAPADE n. a reckless adventure.
ESCAPADOSESCAPADO n. an escaped evildoer; an escapade.
HARDSCAPEhardscape n. The permanent, artificial features of a landscape made from stone etc, rather than plants.
hardscape v. (Transitive) To provide (a landscape) with man-made elements.
HARDSCAPE n. in the practice of landscaping, the built environment including paved areas like streets and sidewalks, structures, walls etc.
HEADSPACEheadspace n. The space between the top of the contents of a container (such as a jar) and its seal (such as a lid).
headspace n. (Informal) One’s mental state.
headspace n. (Informal) Unscheduled time for reflection and thinking.
LANDSCAPElandscape n. A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains.
landscape n. A sociological aspect of a physical area.
landscape n. A picture representing a real or imaginary scene by land or sea, the main subject being the general…
LOADSPACEloadspace n. The space in a vehicle designed for the carrying of a load.
LOADSPACE n. the space available in a vehicle for loading.
MANSCAPEDmanscaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of manscape.
man-scaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of man-scape.
MANSCAPE v. to trim or remove a man's body hair to enhance appearance.
PEDALCARSpedal␣cars n. Plural of pedal car.
PEDALCAR n. a four-wheeled vehicle that is operated by pedals, usually a child's toy.
SEXCAPADEsexcapade n. (Humorous) A sexual escapade; an incident or story involving sex.
SEXCAPADE n. a sexual escapade.
SPACEBANDspaceband n. In a linotype machine, a kind of extensible wedge used to produce spaces of variable width in the text.
SPACEBAND n. a wedge for justifying the line in mediaeval typesetting.
SPACEWARDspaceward adv. Towards outer space.
SPACEWARD adv. towards space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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