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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2C, I, N and O

ACRONICALacronical adj. (Astronomy) Alternative form of acronycal.
acronical adj. Occurring at sunset.
acronical adj. Occurring at the end of life.
CANONICALcanonical adj. Present in a canon, religious or otherwise.
canonical adj. According to recognised or orthodox rules.
canonical adj. Stated or used in the most basic and straightforwardly applicable manner.
CARCINOMAcarcinoma n. (Countable) An invasive malignant tumour derived from epithelial tissue that tends to metastasize to…
carcinoma n. (Obsolete, countable) A form of cancer; (uncountable) cancer in general as a disease.
CARCINOMA n. (Greek) a cancer.
CATATONICcatatonic adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or suffering from catatonia; having a tendency to remain in a rigid state…
catatonic adj. (Figuratively) Motionless and unresponsive, as from shock; withdrawn.
catatonic n. (Medicine) A patient in a state of catatonia.
CLOACINALcloacinal adj. Cloacal; relating to a sewer.
CLOACINAL adj. relating to the cloaca, also CLOACAL, CLOACALINE.
COCAPTAINcocaptain n. A joint captain.
cocaptain v. (Transitive) To serve as joint captain(s) of.
COCAPTAIN n. a joint captain.
LACONICALlaconical adj. Archaic form of laconic.
LACONICAL adj. of a person's speech, using few words, terse, also LACONIC.
MACARONICmacaronic adj. (Archaic) Jumbled, mixed.
macaronic adj. (Literature) Written in a hodgepodge mixture of two or more languages.
macaronic adj. (Dated) Like a macaroni or dandy; foppish, trifling, affected.
MACCARONImaccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a type of pasta”).
maccaroni n. Alternative form of macaroni (“a fop, a dandy”).
MACCARONI n. (Italian) a form of pasta, also MACARONI.
MANDIOCCAmandiocca n. (Obsolete) manioc.
MANDIOCCA n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCA, MANIHOC, MANIHOT, MANIOC, MANIOCA.
TOCCATINAtoccatina n. (Music) A short or simple toccata.
TOCCATINA n. a short toccata, a quick, fantasia-like musical composition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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