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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, L, R, T and U

AMBULATORambulator n. A walker; one who walks.
AMBULATOR n. one who walks about; a walker.
BLASTULARblastular adj. (Embryology) Pertaining to, or connected with, a blastula.
BLASTULAR adj. relating to the blastula, a hollow sphere of cells, one cell thick, formed in the cleavage of a fertilized ovum.
FABULATORfabulator n. (Dated) One who writes, studies or recites fables frequently; often professionally.
FABULATOR n. one who fabulates.
MATURABLEmaturable adj. Capable of maturing.
MATURABLE adj. that can be matured.
SATURABLEsaturable adj. Capable of being saturated, of achieving saturation.
SATURABLE adj. capable of being saturated.
SUBASTRALsubastral adj. Below the stars; earthly, terrestrial, mundane.
SUBASTRAL adj. beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial.
TABLATUREtablature n. A form of musical notation indicating fingering rather than the pitch of notes, commonly used for stringed…
tablature n. (Countable) An engraved tablet, or a painting on a wall or ceiling, or sometimes a picture in general.
tablature n. (Anatomy) A division of the skull into two tables.
TABULARLYtabularly adv. Tabulated, in a tabular fashion, in tabular form, in tables.
TABULAR adv. pertaining to a list.
TABULATORtabulator n. A person who counts or tabulates things.
tabulator n. The mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders.
tabulator n. (Computing) A tab character.
TRABECULAtrabecula n. A small supporting beam.
trabecula n. (Anatomy) A small mineralized spicule that forms a network in spongy bone.
trabecula n. (Anatomy) A fibrous strand of connective tissue that supports it in place.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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