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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, L, O, R and T

ALBATROSSalbatross n. Any of various large seabirds of the family Diomedeidae ranging widely in the Southern Ocean and the…
albatross n. Any of various African and Asian pierid butterflies of the genus Appias. Some species of this genus…
albatross n. (Golf) A double eagle, or three under par on any one hole, except a par 3 hole.
AMBULATORambulator n. A walker; one who walks.
AMBULATOR n. one who walks about; a walker.
ANTILABORantilabor adj. In opposition to labor unions.
antilabor adj. In opposition to the labor party.
anti-labor adj. Alternative form of antilabor.
ASTROLABEastrolabe n. An astronomical and navigational instrument for gauging the altitude of the Sun and stars.
ASTROLABE n. a compact instrument used to observe and calculate the position of celestial bodies before the invention of the sextant.
BARITONALbaritonal adj. Pertaining to or having the character of a baritone.
BARITONAL adj. of or like a baritone.
BLOATWAREbloatware n. (Computing, informal) Software that is packed with too many features and therefore slow or unwieldy;…
bloatware n. (Computing) Unwanted pre-installed software, especially on a smartphone.
BLOATWARE n. excessively large software.
BROADTAILbroadtail n. The hide or fur of a Persian lamb, formerly used in clothing etc.
broadtail n. (Dated) Any of various kinds of parakeets in the genus Platycercus.
BROADTAIL n. a karakul sheep; fur prepared from the skin of very young karakul lambs.
DOLABRATEDOLABRATE adj. shaped like the head of an axe.
ELABORATEelaborate adj. Complex, detailed, or sophisticated.
elaborate adj. Intricate, fancy, flashy, or showy.
elaborate v. (Transitive) to develop in detail or complexity.
FABULATORfabulator n. (Dated) One who writes, studies or recites fables frequently; often professionally.
FABULATOR n. one who fabulates.
ROTATABLErotatable adj. Having the ability to rotate.
ROTATABLE adj. that can be rotated.
TABULATORtabulator n. A person who counts or tabulates things.
tabulator n. The mechanism on a typewriter that sets the position of columns and borders.
tabulator n. (Computing) A tab character.
TAILBOARDtailboard n. A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading; a tailgate.
TAILBOARD n. a hinged or removable flap at the rear end of a cart, lorry, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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